Saturday, October 24, 2009

Shakespeare in Love

We can't watch Shakespeare in Love in class because it's rated R. There's some nudity and a LOT of sex, so it would definitely be inappropriate for the 9th grade English class. If your parents don't really care what you watch, I reccommend it. It was on one of the Encore movie channels on digital cable last night, and I watched it. I've seen it before, but I had forgotten what a good movie it is. It is a fictional account of Shakespeare's life and a fictional affair with a lady named Viola. She wants to be an actor and it's illegal for women to be players during the time period. He casts her as Romeo in his newest play, and they end up falling in love. The whole movie gives a fictional backstory that attempts to imagine/explain how one man came up with Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Twelfth Night. It really is a fun movie with a sweet love story. If your intereseted in watching it...:)

1 comment:

  1. I saw Wicked in Jacksonville Florida. It was the broadway across america group. It was great. I plan on asking for tickets for christmas!
