Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chaps 10-13

Thank you to those of you who posted on the last chapters WHEN you were SUPPOSED TO! THANK YOU! If you've struggled through the book, you might want to check out or one of your classmate's blog. I recommend Sara's, Carrie's, Meagan's, Olivia's, or Adrienne's. Their blogs offer interesting insights. If you enjoyed A Separate Peace, I'm glad. If you didn't, oh well. I can't please everyone. The good news is that next 9 weeks, you will choose your own outside reading to blog about. I will be reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. My sweet husband was gone to a conference last week, and he bought me Edgar Sawtelle, hoping I would want to read it. He did not know that I had been wanting that book for about a year now! Yay! So, I'll blog on that one. I plan on giving you more instructions/modelling what I want you to do when we get back from Fall Break.

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