Friday, October 16, 2009

Independent reading and Romeo and Juliet

I'm excited about what this second half of the semester will bring. I think I will enjoy reading your blogs on your independent reading. I'm reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle way too slowly! I'm hoping I can pick up the pace this week. I think there is an interesting story in there, I just haven't really found it yet.

I'm also very excited about Romeo and Juliet. I am a Shakespeare junky, so I hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I will.


  1. I posted a reply to your comment on my blog. Sorry I confused you! I meant were I stopped reading. Sorry!

  2. This has nothing to do with your blog, but i noticed you listening to "Wicked" music and i wanted to tell ya that i saw the broadway play and loved it! Im a huge fan of Wicked!!
