Friday, January 8, 2010

Working during the faux inclement weather

So obviously I'm on blogger, and I was going to add some of you who are following me, and I realized that I left those lovely slips of paper containing your URL's on my desk! Text me your URL so I can add your blog to those I'm following. I keep trying to piggyback and it's just not working. I can see that Randi is following Vanessa's blog (and mine) but I can't seem to add her from Vanessa's blog. VERY ANNOYING. VERY. Just sayin'....


  1. Are we going to be able to get everyone else's URL in class since we are suppose to follow everyone's blog? I can't piggyback either.

  2. hey! i wanted to let you know that i went by the counsilers office and checked about the space on my scedule. Im not planning on doing any sports and i have my spanish credits so i do have space.
    -Taylor Smith-
