Friday, January 8, 2010

Working during the faux inclement weather

So obviously I'm on blogger, and I was going to add some of you who are following me, and I realized that I left those lovely slips of paper containing your URL's on my desk! Text me your URL so I can add your blog to those I'm following. I keep trying to piggyback and it's just not working. I can see that Randi is following Vanessa's blog (and mine) but I can't seem to add her from Vanessa's blog. VERY ANNOYING. VERY. Just sayin'....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Seniors' first blog

I realize there are only two or three of you following my blog right now. and I realize that the rest of you are probably waiting till Thursday to even attempt to create a blog, but your first Pride and Prejudice entry is due Sunday, January 10th. You must post by 6:00 pm. I'll check the postings around 9:00pm. You are to write a brief summary of the first 34 chapters (I've read the book at least ten times, so I can smell BS a mile away!) and response. I realize this in not the most masculine read for the guys, but you MUST be positive in your response. You can be honest and write about what you don't like, but also included what you think Miss Austen does well. Thursday is just four days away! I look forward to seeing you guys!