Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Separate Peace first three chapters

I'm loving reading your blogs! I will never go back to pen-and-paper reading logs!

So here's my favorite part of chapter one: "So the more things remain the same, the more they change after all--plus c'est la meme chose, plus ca change. Nothing endures, not a tree, not love, not even death by violence. Changed, I headed back through the mud. I was drenched; anybody could see it was time to come in out of the rain." I think these sentences set up the theme for the whole book.

Chapter three ends on Gene's life-long regret, maybe. The fact that he didn't return Phineas's sentiment--he didn't say, "Yeah, you're my best friend, too." I like that last sentence: "Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which contains the truth." I'm not sure if he's saying that what he felt for Finny was stronger than friendship--a brotherhood of sorts. But that's what if feels like.


  1. I really like how you used quotes from the book! I'm gonna remember that for future refferance! I do agree that the bond between Phineas and Gene is like a brotherhood. That's what i felt. I just don't like how Gene talks about Phineas. It kind of makes me made.

  2. it was a very discriptive summary. youre favorite part kind of seemed like a poem to me.
