Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To all you seniors who are slackers

POETRY blogs!  That's what you need to do!  Not Pride and Prejudice blogs; the time has come and LONG gone for that! Summaries on major work files took the place of those blog grades (you can't make higher than a 70 on those assignments now, anyway).  Again, those were due in JANUARY!  February is now almost over and 5 poetry blogs, analyzing a total of 10 poems, was due TWO WEEKS AGO!  I hope my frustration/annoyance is adequately transferring in the use of all caps!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sophistic philosophy in Hamlet

Here's a sort of summary of the history of philosophy you might find interesting:

I'm also following a blog called the Craft of Living, which is written by a doctoral candidate.  His "Dramatis Personae" entry goes far to explain the various sophists and their beliefs.

Here's a website that offers a whole annotated bibliography of articles that discuss philosophy in Hamlet:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Just a reminder to my seniors

5-10 poetry blogs due today!!!  Most of you girls have been vigilent and successful in your poetry analyses.  I want to reccommend a fun website to look at or to listen to poetry and poetry commentary:  I LOVE it!  I used it a lot last summer when I was taking a contemporary poetry class.