Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Break

Mari gave me and Jeff Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces. I'd like to have you seniors read this one, but it's like $21. I hate asking you to buy books that are over $10, so I really don't want to ask you to buy a $20 book. I also saw Avatar. I highly recommend it! awesome movie. I love the archetypes. It's just a great good vs. evil story. Right now, I'm supposed to be working on cleaning Luci's room, but here I am at the computer, with the t.v. on. You've Got Mail is on--I love that movie--and it's at the part where Kathleen has a cold and Joe brings her daisies and they become friends. They have a whole conversation about Pride and Prejudice, and I just love that.

Quick bit of reading log instructions: PROOFREAD before you publish your posts! The temptation with blogging is to slip into unprofessional text slang and email speak. DON'T do that! You are getting a grade for this, but you are also publishing your thoughts in a public forum. Represent yourself and your school well! All that said, occasionally you'll find errors in my comments or posts. Sorry. I usually type with three children screaming in the background or asking me to solve their 6- or 3-year-old crises.